Digital Monitoring with an App to Prevent Damage of Positive Displacement Pumps (Webinar | Online)
Star Pump Alliance and NETZSCH Pumps & Systems are hosting a webinar on 19 May 2021 at 9:00 AM (CET) or 5:00 PM (CET) on the topic of „Digital Monitoring with an App to Prevent Damage of Positive Displacement Pumps”. In this webinar you will learn how to prevent various types of damage such as dry running and overpressure in your positive displacement pumps. This webinar is free of charge.
Mikael Tekneyan uses the progressing cavity pump to show you how to identify damage at an early stage or even prevent it completely through monitoring via NETZSCHs’ new MultiProtector app. Damage can be localized before it even occurs, and countermeasures can be initiated. This increases the service life of your pump while at the same time reducing costs for maintenance and servicing.
Date: Damage Prevention for Displacement Pumps
- Date: May 19th, 2021
- Time: 9:00 AM (CET) or 5:00 PM (CET)
- Duration: 30 – 45 minutes
- Language of presentation: English
- Speaker: Mikael Tekneyan (Teamleader Development Digital Products at NETZSCH) and Marius Schaub (Moderator SPA)
- Host: Star Pump Alliance and NETZSCH Pumps & Systems
Register now for the webinar for free: Webinar: Damage Prevention for Pumps – NETZSCH Pumps & Systems
For over 60 years, NETZSCH Pumps & Systems has served markets worldwide with NEMO® progressing cavity pumps, TORNADO® rotary lobe pumps, NOTOS® multi screw pumps, grinding machines, barrel emptying systems, dosing technology and accessories, providing customised, sophisticated solutions for applications in every type of industry. With a workforce of over 2,180 and a turnover of 284 million Euro (financial year 2020), NETZSCH Pumps & Systems is the largest business unit with the highest turnover in the NETZSCH Group, alongside NETZSCH Analysing & Testing and NETZSCH Grinding & Dispersing. Our standards are high. We promise our customers „Proven Excellence“ – outstanding products and services in all areas. We have shown that we can keep this promise time and again since 1873.
Eventdatum: Mittwoch, 19. Mai 2021 09:00 – 09:45
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
NETZSCH Pumpen & Systeme GmbH
Geretsrieder Straße 1
84478 Waldkraiburg
Telefon: +49 (8638) 63-0
Telefax: +49 (8638) 67981
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