Calibration of BlowerDoor fans (Webinar | Online)
NEW: Manufacturer’s calibration (1-point)
Since April we offer manufacturer’s calibration (1-point) for BlowerDoor Standard (model 4) according to the manufacturer’s specification. One measured value is calibrated per measuring ring (open fan as well as ring A – E). The requirement of ISO 9972 (measuring accuracy ± 7 %) is assessed. You will receive a calibration certificate.
A previous basic maintenance and functional test is included. We calibrate according to your appointment request. Your registration is desired to ensure short calibration times of max. five working days. Take advantage of the introductory price now!
Recommended calibration interval: 2 years
Manufacturer’s calibration (3-point)
Since 2017, we offer manufacturer’s calibration (3-point) for the BlowerDoor Standard (model 4 and model 3) and BlowerDoor MiniFan (model DuctBlaster) measuring fans on our test stand calibrated by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt. For each measuring ring (open fan as well as ring A – E or 1 – 4) 3 measured values are calibrated. The measuring accuracy of the BlowerDoor measuring fan of ± 4 % (open blower as well as ring A – C or 1 – 4) and ± 5 % (rings D and E) is assessed. You will receive a calibration certificate.
The previous basic maintenance and functional test is included. We calibrate according to monthly calibration dates. Registration is required.
Recommended calibration interval: 4 years
Calibration with DAkkS certificate
Since 2017 we offer a calibration with DAkkS certificate for the measuring fans BlowerDoor Standard (model 4 and model 3) as well as BlowerDoor MiniFan (model DuctBlaster) on our test stand calibrated by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt. For each measuring ring (open fan as well as ring A – E or 1 – 4) three measured values are calibrated. The measuring accuracy of the BlowerDoor measuring fans of ± 4 % (open fan as well as rings A – C or 1 – 4) and ± 5 % (rings D and E) is assessed. You will receive a DAkkS certificate.
The previous basic maintenance and functional test is included. We calibrate according to monthly calibration dates. Registration is required.
Die Kalibriertermine gelten für die Werkskalibrierung (3-Punkt) sowie für die Kalibrierung mit DAkkS-Zertifikat.
Eventdatum: Montag, 11. September 2023 09:00 – 19:00
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
BlowerDoor GmbH
Zum Energie- und Umweltzentrum 1
31832 Springe-Eldagsen
Telefon: +49 (5044) 975-40
Telefax: +49 (5044) 975-44
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