mindsON RBQM Workshop | Episode 25: RBQM, RBM, QbD, CM, CSM – So many terms but what are they,? (Webinar | Online)
An area of much debate (and confusion) is the differences, similarities, and overlaps between Risk-Based Quality Management, Quality by Design, Centralized Monitoring, Centralized Statistical Monitoring, Remote Monitoring, and Risk-Based Monitoring. Or, in the alphabet soup of our industry, RBQM, QbD, CM, CSM, RM and RBM. At this workshop, our industry experts will provide their perspectives and get the perspectives of those in the audience. Is the industry settling on definitions for these terms, or will the confusion persist?
mindsON RBQM is a series of workshops by Cyntegrity’s MyRBQM Academy that provides practical advice on the challenging aspects of an RBQM roll-out and its daily execution. Each workshop allows room for interactive dialogue and problem-solving exercises. We invite you to share your experiences and participate in the interactive dialog with our well-known industry experts, Johann Proeve (PhD) and Keith Dorricott (MBB). If you prefer to listen and observe, that’s okay as well.
Eventdatum: Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2024 17:00 – 18:00
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Cyntegrity Germany GmbH
Altenhöferallee 3
60438 Frankfurt am Main
Telefon: +49 (0) 6192-470-113-50
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